Amazon India has confirmed the reveal date for the highly anticipated OnePlus Nord CE4 Lite, set for June 18. This announcement comes after the successful launch of the Nord CE4 in early April. The Amazon listing confirms that this new device will be marketed as an “all-day entertainment companion,” with the page title and image file name identifying it as the CE4 Lite.
OnePlus Nord CE4 Lite Debut and Sales Timeline
June 18 Reveal and June 24 Sales Start
The unveiling on June 18 is expected to mark the beginning of the pre-order phase, with actual sales starting on June 24. This timeline gives eager customers a chance to secure their devices ahead of the official release.
Expected Specifications
Rebadged Oppo K12x
The OnePlus Nord CE4 Lite is anticipated to be a rebranded version of the Oppo K12x, which is already available in China. The main difference will be the chipset: the Nord CE4 Lite will feature the Snapdragon 6s Gen 3 instead of the Snapdragon 695 found in the Oppo K12x. Despite this change, significant performance differences are not expected.
Key Features
- Display: 6.67” OLED screen
- Camera: 50 MP main camera
- Battery: 5,000 mAh battery
- Charging: 80W wired charging support
The OnePlus Nord CE4 Lite promises to be a solid addition to the Nord lineup, offering robust features and performance. With its official reveal set for June 18 and sales starting on June 24, tech enthusiasts won’t have to wait long to get their hands on this new device. Stay tuned for more updates as the launch date approaches.