The rumor mill is churning with alleged details on Google’s upcoming Pixel Fold 2. A leaked image claims to show a Pixel Fold 2 prototype, and it reveals some big departures from the original Fold’s design if true.
First up, that camera bump. Gone is the signature Pixel visor bar housing the lenses. Instead, this prototype sports a simple oval camera island – quite a drastic change for the Pixel line if it pans out. The iconic rear camera stripe has been a staple of previous Pixels. Ditching it would be polarizing, to say the least!
Next is the cover display. It apparently adopts a longer, narrower proportion versus the ultra wide cover screen on the first Fold. This should finally fix the odd app orientation issues that cropped up with the wide folding display. Apps should behave normally in portrait mode when the phone is closed.
While the inner screen isn’t visible, rumors indicate it will have a hole punch cutout for the selfie cam rather than a bezel. And despite being “fairly thin,” it apparently still has a noticeable crease down the middle.
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The release timeframe is also still questionable. Yesterday’s reports pointed to the Fold 2 skipping the Tensor G3 chip and not launching until October with the Pixel 9 series. If true, we have quite a wait ahead!
Of course, leaked renders always need to be taken with skepticism. But if accurate, these changes signal controversial moves away from Pixel traditions. We’ll have to wait and see what other details emerge on the Pixel Fold 2 leading up to its rumored fall unveiling. Let me know what changes or improvements you hope Google’s second foldable brings!